We approach each child individually and in accordance with their age. With such an approach, we create trust in the child, and only then do we start repairing teeth, even from a very early age (3 years old). All our procedures are painless for children, and there is no traumatic experience that could cause the child to refuse further visits to the dentist.

Services covered by this branch of dentistry: treatment of primary and young permanent teeth, extraction of primary teeth, restoration of caries and application of restorative fillings (fillings), topical fluoride, individual approach and education of parents, recognition of orthodontic anomalies and their therapy.

Tips for parents

When should the child be taken to the dentist for the first time?

The child should visit the dentist as soon as the first teeth erupt, so that the dentist will explain and show you everything about the maintenance of milk teeth and warn of the danger of “baby bottle caries”. It is the period between 7-16 months of age.

Certainly do not allow the first meeting between your child and the dentist to be in an emergency when the child is already in pain, because that is when the procedure is the most painful and the child may develop a fear of the dentist.

When to start brushing children's teeth?

You should start brushing your teeth as soon as they erupt. There are special children’s toothbrushes that can be used to brush the first baby teeth, which are soft and atraumatic and help children to develop proper tooth brushing habits through play.

Which toothpaste to use for children?

Special adapted pastes should be used for children up to the age of six. In the beginning – at least until the 10th month, the little teeth can be washed without toothpaste, and then the introduction of toothpaste can be started slowly.

There are a number of pastes that have a reduced proportion of fluorine and other active substances in order to reduce the risk of side effects because children do not know how to spit the paste after brushing their teeth, but swallow it. For this reason, the paste should be dosed carefully – do not exceed the amount of a “pea” for children under 2 years of age. After the 2nd year, the amount can be slightly increased.

When do baby teeth sprout?

The first teeth erupt between the 4th month and the 1st birthday. Most often, it is around the age of 6 months. We must emphasize that the first teeth can be delayed by up to half a year. If your child is one and a half years old and still has no baby teeth – definitely go to the dentist to determine the reason why the teeth are not coming out.

First the incisors (ones and twos), then the canines, and finally the fours and fives. A child should have all baby teeth by the age of 30 months. there are 20 milk teeth in total.

Symptoms related to teething are: increased drooling, crying at night that usually stops when you put your hands in an upright position, putting your hands in your mouth, diarrhea, irritability and poor appetite.

When do permanent teeth erupt?

Permanent teeth sprout around the age of 6. The first permanent teeth are permanent 6 and not ones or twos as most parents think. When a child’s front baby teeth start to fall out, he usually already has all 4 sixes in his mouth.

After permanent sixes sprout ones and twos. At the age of 14, all permanent teeth except wisdom teeth should be in the mouth. Deviations in germination times are normal and can vary up to a year.

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